Minggu, 15 Februari 2015

Highly Intoxicated!!

Assalamualaikum wbt

Good late-evening fellas!

HaHa.. kenapa aku cakap late evening.. check the posting time later aite. It's actually midnight. And I am extremely hyped now. Why? Due to the acetylcholine action in my body caused by the caffeinated Nescafe. (Sigh).

Hari ni aku jadi tukang masak. Buat la makan2 kat rumah ajak juniors. With the intention of creating bonds with the juniors.( Ahaha superiority much!). I am supposed to be drained out of energy right now sebab memasak macam tak cukup dapur.Sepagi tau masak nasi tomato tu! Tetapi berbekalkan azam nak settlekan learning issue (LI) untuk present case esok aku teguklah Nescafe setengah tin. Cukup untuk buat aku hyper macam baru lepas dapat adrenaline rush. Dah la telan chocolatey-oreo-cheese truffle as the booster factor of caffein. Highly intoxicated with dopamine and acetylcholine right now. Bahaha. Sure non-medical studs nganga amenda aku meraban ni. Just to share some knowledges here. I'm going to rant on...THE COFFEE EFFECTS! Yeayy!!
 ( Nampak sgt aku tengah high kan.. -_-'')

                                                  Hasil gambar untuk coffee effects

What is coffee? -- Coffee is a brewed drink with a distinct aroma and flavor, prepared from roasted coffee beans, the seeds found inside "berries" of the Coffea plant.

Coffee cultivation first took place in Southern Arabia. the earliest credible evidence of coffee-drinking appears in the middle of the 15th century in the Sufi shrines of Yemen. In the Horn of Africa and Yemen, coffee was used in local religious ceremonies. As these ceremonies conflicted with the beliefs of the Christian church, the Ethiopian Church banned the secular consumption of coffee until the reign of Emperor Menelik II.[6] The beverage was also banned in Ottoman Turkey during the 17th century for political reasons,[7] and was associated with rebellious political activities in Europe.

Fascinating right? Source--wikipedia.HaHa.
Ehem..Ehem.. According to my reading somewhere.. the coffee drinks were established as for the Moeslims to consume after they are awake at 1/3 of night to perform Tahajjud. Boleh apply kot lepas ni. Nyeh3..InshaAllah. :)

What are the effects??

Hasil gambar untuk coffee effects
this would be me.. gagaga

1. Coffee Can Improve Energy Levels and Make You Smarter

Caffeine blocks an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain, which leads to a stimulant effect. This improves energy levels, mood and various aspects of brain function.

2. Coffee Can Help You Burn Fat

There’s a good reason for that… caffeine is one of the very few natural substances that have actually been proven to aid fat burning.

3. The Caffeine Can Drastically Improve Physical Performance

Caffeine stimulates the nervous system, causing it to send signals to the fat cells to break down body fat 

But caffeine also increases Epinephrine (Adrenaline) levels in the blood 

This is the “fight or flight” hormone, designed to make our bodies ready for intense physical exertion.

Caffeine makes the fat cells break down body fat, releasing them into the blood as free fatty acids and making them available as fuel (energy)

5. Coffee May Lower Your Risk of Type II Diabetes

yeahh..i skipped #4 ( personally irrelevant.HaHa)
As for this reason.. no need to know la the facts. Boleh google kot.Hew Hew

6. Coffee May Protect You From Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia


7. Caffeine May Lower The Risk of Parkinson’s


8. Coffee Appears to Have Protective Effects on The Liver


9. Coffee Can Fight Depression and Make You Happier

Hands up! Couldn't agree more.

12. Coffee May Help You Live Longer

I know i skipped a lot. Well.. entertainingly irrelevant. HaHa. Boleh pulak!

13. Coffee is The Biggest Source of Antioxidants in The Western Diet

HYEAPP!! Penting ni! Awet muda. 

Okay la..as to summarize the benefits.         

                                   Hasil gambar untuk coffee effects

But of course for every pros  there are cons

Negative effects of Coffee

  1. More than 4 cups of coffee linked to early death. A Mayo Clinic partnered study found that men who drank more than four 8 fl.oz. cups of coffee had a 21% increase in all-cause mortality. 
  2. Caffeine consumption may raise blood pressure in those already suffering from hypertension. People with hypertension were given 250mg of caffeine (about 2 coffees) and the data revealed that their blood pressure was elevated for about 2-3 hours after the caffeine.
  3. Caffeine linked to gout attacks. This study showed that people who binge on caffeinated beverages increase their risk for a gout flare-up. 
  4. Caffeine could cause incontinence. A study out of the University of Alabama showed that women who consume a lot of caffeine are 70% more likely to develop incontinence. 
  5. Caffeine may cause insomnia. Caffeine in a person’s system at bedtime can mimic the symptoms of insomnia..
  6. Caffeine can cause indigestion. People who consume caffeinated beverages often report an upset stomach or indigestion. This mainly occurs when the beverages are consumed on an empty stomach. 
  7. Caffeine can cause headaches. While occasional doses of caffeine can relieve headache symptoms, the overuse of caffeine can cause headaches and lead to migraines. 
  8. Caffeine could reduce fertility in women. A study from The University of Nevada School of Medicine showed that caffeine can reduce a woman’s chances of becoming pregnant by about 27%. 
  9. Caffeine may not be healthy for type 2 diabetics. A study conducted by the American Diabetes Association showed that caffeine impaired glucose metabolism in those with type 2 diabetes. 
  10. Caffeine Overdose. While overdose is rare, it can lead to many adverse symptoms including death, especially in those with underlying medical conditions. Some have a lower tolerance for caffeine than others. 
  11. Caffeine Allergies. Some people have over-sensitivity to the caffeine molecule, which causes allergic-like reactions in the body such as hives and pain. Although not a true allergy, many report very negative symptoms after consuming even the smallest amounts. 
  12. Caffeine causes more forceful heart contractions. A recent study showed that immediately after energy drink consumption the heart produced more forceful contractions. It is unclear if this has any long-term health implications except for those with known health conditions. 
  13. Worse Menopause Symptoms. A recent study published in The Journal of The North American Menopause Society showed that menopausal women who consumed caffeine had a greater degree of vasomotor symptoms. 
  14. Caffeine consumption can lead to increased anxiety, depression and the need for anxiety medication
  15. Caffeine increases the amount of sugary beverages consumed by people, which contributes to obesity and diabetes. 

There you go. I've listed them for you to know. To be noted here.. if you want to stay up it is best to consume the coffee then have a short nap for about 15-30 minutes as only after that period the caffeine will take effects. :) Have a nice cup of coffee!


Sabtu, 14 Februari 2015


Assalamualaikum wbt

Good evening fellas,

I'm new here.. so yeah.. i might just literally rants a lot here. So.. for those who managed to stumbled upon this blog site welcome aboard and please do bear with my languages. Ahaha

As an introduction.My name is Nawal.. yeah.. i know it is quite an odd name.. most of you must be like..
 "Uh..laki ke pempuan tuh?"
Ahahah.. tell you what.. let it remains as a secret. kekeke.. dah xde keja ke apa aku.

So, basically what i'm going to rant about today is ...

                                                Hasil gambar untuk acceptance
Apa itu acceptance?
1 :  an act of agreeing either expressly or by conduct to the act or offer of another so that a contract is         concluded and the parties become legally bound
:  the quality or state of being accepted or acceptable
:  the act of accepting :  the fact of being accepted :  approval
a :  the act of accepting a time draft or bill of exchange for payment when due according to the specified terms
b :  an accepted draft or bill of exchange

scrape off #4. Socially irrelevant. HaHa

It's a big matter isn't it? Well, it is for me.
People keep on complaining how ones can't do things right (well, obviously it was according to their definition of 'right').I used to be that kind of person.Judgmental.Egoist.Self-proclaimed righteous. You name it. But deep down i know what the others are doing are right in their own way.
 (Oi Nawal amenda hg meraban ni. Haha.) Okay..okay.. what i am trying to say is... setiap orang ada their own ways of doing,thinking,etc. Recently, my friend is being unfair to my other friend. Every single thing that she did was never right in her eyes. Why? Why? Little that i knew, she has the very same reaction as I did. Imagine.. just because of the different taste of asam pedas that she cooked in her style she was being mentally tormented. Why? Because of she/we has/have been dumb-ass egoist. Unable to accept the people's quality within. Sounds harsh. I know. That's just how I am.Direct. That is the main reason why i had hurt so many feeling before. Too proud. Too strict in expecting people will understand and bow down to my thoughts and acts.

 Hence, how did i change to whom i am today? Easy-squeezy.ACCEPT PEOPLE. No hard feeling. No harsh feeling. To tone down your pride is downgrading but then on the bright side you're actually breaking the wall of loneliness to allow more happiness and life experience to fill in your days.

Aku suka gila dengan quote : By the age of 20 you actually had the moments of facing with the bottom-rock reality of health, wealth, friends, family and etc.

Trust me. I've experienced them all. But then teringat reminder dari sorang akhwat ni (i guess you can identify my gender already ;p) Everything happens with the reasons and when you passed one stage of difficulty there's a bigger stone rolling towards you. Either you face it and be stronger or you can just ditch the place to a safer site and stay dormant and unmotivated.Well, she didn't quite say it like that because it was in Malay but i do celebrate the languages and exaggerations too .(Ahaks!)

You'll know you did the right thing the moment you try to accept as...

                                         Hasil gambar untuk acceptance

you will feel your body is much lighter without the burden of being self-deluded and jealousy.

Have a blast evening fellas! ;)